What is Huntington’s Disease?

Huntington’s disease is a hereditary disorder of the central nervous system which usually develops in adulthood. This condition can affect movement, cognition and behaviour. Huntingdon’s disease is caused by a faulty inherited gene though in some cases there is no known family history link.

Some of the characteristics of HD can include psychiatric problems and difficulties with behaviour, feeding, communication and abnormal behaviour. People can develop these features at any age but most are known to develop problems between the ages of 35 to 55.

If you show signs of Huntington’s disease or it is known to run in your family, genetic testing can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of Huntington’s disease.

Find out where we can support you

  • Residential care home

  • Brain injury service

  • Specialist service

  • Community support

  • Children's service

  • Group of services

If you need further advice, call our friendly enquiry line on 0800 035 3776 or email referrals@voyagecare.com
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