We ensure the quality of the care and support we provide is always our priority. We are committed to enabling the people we support to live the lives they want; lives which are fulfilling, meaningful and happy.

The people we support and their loved ones can be assured that their needs are at the centre of all we do. Whether it’s supporting someone in their own home, to access the community or in a registered care home, we provide person-centred support that is flexible, reliable and consistent.

Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song
Brain injury rehab

Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song

Before his brain injury, Alan – a person we support at 46 London Road – lived an active lifestyle typical ...

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

Let’s meet Mark! He moved from his family home to one of our Derbyshire supported living services in 2022. Mark ...

Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!
Brain injury rehab

Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!

Andy first moved to Maeres House, our specialist brain injury rehabilitation service in Cheshire, in 2022. He joined us after ...

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