Transforming Care

The right support to step down from hospital or avoid the risk of admission

We can provide bespoke support for people with a learning disability and / or autism who have a range of additional needs including mental health conditions, challenging behaviours and forensic backgrounds. We are committed to the delivery of person-centred, flexible support that promotes choice and control. This is reflected in our five values, which align closely with the Transforming Care National Service Model.

We work closely with the people we support and their support network so they can successfully return to their communities from secure and inpatient settings.

We have developed preventative solutions for people at risk of hospital admission in conjunction with Transforming Care Partnerships.

We work with local partners to develop and deliver transition plans that clearly meet the needs of the individual and promotes positive risk management.

Early intervention, prevention & effective discharge

We work with health and social care professionals to develop solutions that provide the right support at the right time.
These solutions include:

Step up support for people at risk of admission

  • Intensive support, delivered by highly skilled teams in safe and suitable environments.
  • Ensures that preventative interventions are offered.
  • Working in partnership so that people can return to previous settings or alternative community solutions when ready.

Step down solutions that provide a pathway to supported living and community support

  • Includes transitional support for people stepping down from inpatient settings into the community.
  • Promotes development of independent living skills, facilitates community connections and access to local activities.
  • Housing is sourced and adapted to meet individual needs.

Health action planning helps the achievement of health and wellbeing outcomes with local health services. This is underpinned by our commitment to the STOMP pledge.

Contingency management plans are developed in partnership with the people we support, families and professionals, to prepare for and manage risks.

Find out where we can support you

  • Residential care home

  • Brain injury service

  • Specialist service

  • Community support

  • Children's service

  • Group of services

If you need further advice, call our friendly enquiry line on 0800 035 3776 or email
Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song
Brain injury rehab

Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song

Before his brain injury, Alan – a person we support at 46 London Road – lived an active lifestyle typical ...

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

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Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!
Brain injury rehab

Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!

Andy first moved to Maeres House, our specialist brain injury rehabilitation service in Cheshire, in 2022. He joined us after ...

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