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How Voyage Care can support you

Everyone is different and it is vital your care and support is tailored to your individual needs. To achieve this, we take time to get to know you and put your preferences at the centre of everything we do.

You are in control of every element of your care and support, where appropriate. We empower you to live the way you want – where, how and with whom you choose.

We are committed to providing the very best quality care and support, which is demonstrated through our robust quality framework.

To learn more about how we can support you to live fulfilling life, contact our friendly enquiry team.

How we support you

We care for people in the UK living with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries, Prader-Willi syndrome, and other complex care needs.

We care for people in the UK living with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries, Prader-Willi syndrome, and other complex care needs.

Everyone is different so:

  • We will help you to get the amount of support that is right for you
  • We will support and care for you in the way that is right for you

We will involve you in working out what is right for you. We want you to say:

  • Where you want to live
  • How you want to live
  • Who you want to live with

Our services are checked by the Government’s Care Quality Commission (CQC). They say that just about all our services are good or outstanding.

In Scotland and Wales the Care Inspectorate say that all our services are good.

Find out where we can support you

  • Residential care home

  • Brain injury service

  • Specialist service

  • Community support

  • Children's service

  • Group of services

If you need further advice, call our friendly enquiry line on 0800 035 3776 or email referrals@voyagecare.com
Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song
Brain injury rehab

Music therapy supports Alan to deliver a powerful message through song

Before his brain injury, Alan – a person we support at 46 London Road – lived an active lifestyle typical ...

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

Fundraising for a better future: Mark’s path to independence and giving back

Let’s meet Mark! He moved from his family home to one of our Derbyshire supported living services in 2022. Mark ...

Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!
Brain injury rehab

Dramatherapy supports Andy’s second act as a community superstar!

Andy first moved to Maeres House, our specialist brain injury rehabilitation service in Cheshire, in 2022. He joined us after ...

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