Supporting you
Woodham Grange is a purpose-built home, providing support for eight adults with profound and multiple learning and physical disabilities. We actively promote an ethos of trust, respect and dignity to encourage and support people to achieve personal outcomes. Our staff support the people who live here to engage in suitable indoor and outdoor activities.
Woodham Grange is a two story building with eight light and spacious bedrooms, each with a hand basin in the corner. We support each person to personalise their bedroom by decorating it to their taste and encouraging them to bring their own furniture and other possessions.
There is a large, tastefully decorated dining / sitting room, a well equipped kitchen, a laundry room with industrial washing / drying facilities and two accessible bathrooms (one on each floor) with hoist facilities. There is a large patio/garden area with direct access from the living room, and the small conservatory overlooks this area.