23 Church Street is a 10-bedroom residential care home, located in Nottinghamshire. Our passionate team provide care and support for individuals with a wide range of needs, including learning and physical disabilities, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and mental health needs.
Ensuring we can meet the needs of the people we support, our team are also trained in a range of complex care needs, such as PEG feeding and oxygen administration.
Supporting you
Our goal is to support individuals to achieve their goals and live their best lives!
Every individual has the right to dignity and self-determination, and our experienced team support each person to express themselves in the way they choose.
To promote this, we use person-centred care plans, tailored to every person’s needs. These include specific communication needs and preferences for everyone, allowing us to create a communicative environment using a wide range of tools, aids, and systems.
The people we support are encouraged to engage in a range of activities both inside the home, and out in the community. These include going to discos, visiting local attractions such as the cinema and bowling, and we listening to a wide variety of music.
We love celebrating birthdays with themed parties – making the people we support feel extra special on their big day!
Our home has five bedrooms both upstairs and downstairs. Every bedroom has its own en-suite bathroom, great for private personal care needs. We encourage the people we support to decorate their rooms to their own style and taste.
23 Church Street has been built with accessibility in mind, benefiting from adapted doorways and corridors, ceiling tracking hoists and a lift!
We have a large, grassed garden with a patio area, which the people we support can enjoy in the warmer months.
We also have a sensory room and activity room – perfect for engaging with other housemates and enjoying hobbies.