At Broad Lane our aim is to provide excellent care and support, with choice and dignity. We support people who have autism, sensory impairments and physical disabilities and who exhibit behaviours that may challenge.
Supporting you
The staff team ensure that each person’s individual needs are met, using verbal and sensory techniques to enable good communication. Our staff support our residents to enjoy their favourite activities, while at the same time encouraging them to try new experiences – one of our aims is to ensure that the people we support have memorable experiences.
Broad Lane is a large six bedroom house with an enclosed garden space at the back of the property. The lounge and conservatory are communal areas where people can relax and participate in chosen activities. We have a large kitchen and dining area where everyone can socialise whilst preparing and eating their meals. Each person’s bedroom is personalised to reflect their choices. The home is accessible for wheelchair users and hoisting equipment is available if needed.
The team
All staff are supported to complete mandatory training as well specific training related to the needs of the residents living at Broad Lane. The manager has many years’ experience and relevant qualifications. Staff members’ qualifications include NVQs up to level 4 and City and Guilds in learning disabilities.