At 23 Cecil Road is a National Autistic Society (NAS) accredited residential care home. We provide care and support for up to six people with autism, moderate learning disabilities, Tourette’s syndrome and associated challenging behaviours.
Supporting you
We support each person to develop their living and social skills to live as independently as possible and ensure all residents are given a say in the running of the home. We also offer supported living packages for people who want to receive support in their own homes.
Residents are encouraged to experience a range of activities tailored to their individual interests. Activities the people we support currently enjoy include gardening, visits to theme parks, 3D cinema, discos, and the jump.
Cecil Road has six bedrooms, each with en-suite facilities to enable a more independent style of living and everyone has the opportunity to decorate their bedroom to suit their individual taste.
The home also has a large lounge, a fully accessible kitchen and a dining room. There is a well maintained large enclosed garden with a lawn and trampoline, a vegetable patch area and a large level patio area.
The team
All staff complete a high level of varied training including National Diplomas, safeguarding vulnerable adults, administration of medication, autism awareness and crisis intervention. They are also well equipped to support and understand specific conditions, as we as those with behavioural needs.