Summer of fun at John Cabot House!

Summer may be over, but for the team at John Cabot House, it was a sun-soaked, fun-packed season to remember!

This year everyone at John Cabot House, our specialist brain injury rehabilitation service in Bristol, set the stage for a summer of fun! Working together, our team and the people we support planned and hosted two vibrant summer events.

Alongside their very own version of Britain’s Got Talent, they also transformed their garden into a music festival – John Cabot House fest! Both events paved way for the people we support with brain injuries to get creative, work with their team and incorporate elements of their music therapy sessions.

While showing off their talents to family and friends, they demonstrated bravery and confidence, and carved out unforgettable moments along the way! 

Fun times and therapy gains!

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of playing your favourite music to soothe your soul, balance your emotions, or build feelings of joy and happiness. Music can help us feel relaxed, stimulate positive memories, and support us to express ourselves.

For both the people we support and the team at John Cabot House, music plays an important role in their wellbeing. That’s why they decided to hold two music-themed events.

Studies have found music can help to boost self-esteem, improve social interaction, and decrease feelings of anxiety. It can also support people with brain injuries to rebuild cognitive and communication skills.

Our team at John Cabot House have seen first-hand how music can have a beautiful, therapeutic impact on people with brain injuries. One of the therapies they provide is music therapy, and the people we support love it!

That’s why Rachel, our dedicated Therapy Lead at John Cabot House, and Grace, our Deputy Manager, joined forces to think of fun ways for the people we support to extend their favourite therapy into fun activities.

Prioritising enjoyment for our housemates, Rachel and Grace put their heads together and considered how the people we support could enjoy themselves, experience new things, and incorporate elements of their music therapy sessions. It is here the event ideas were formed!

Grace said: “I think both of these events were massively important in improving quality of life for the people we support. The reason we came up with the festival specifically was  because some of our housemates can’t access festivals as easily as they did before. Holding our own annual festival ensures  they don’t feel they’re missing out on things they used to enjoy.  And occassions like this are beneficial in increasing essential social skills.”

Quote image with a pink and purple faded background, and a picture of two ladies holding a DIY photo frame on the right. Quote reading "Although the people we support may not be able to access festivals as easily as they used to, John Cabot House fest bring that festival feeling directly to them! Grace Kenney, Deputy Manager'

John Cabot House has talent!

As part of their summer of fun, Grace and Rachel planned a talent show at the beginning of July. Simulating the popular TV show Britain’s Got Talent, the people we support and their support team got to show off their fabulous musical skills!

Not ones to miss out on an opportunity to make everyone giggle, Grace and Rachel also took part as the judges, getting into character by dressing up as Simon Cowell and Sharon Osbourne. No detail was missed. Rachel and Grace even came equipped with red and gold buzzers, just like on the TV show! 

The people we support were encouraged to perform an act of their choice, and those who have music therapy sessions were supported by their therapist to plan and practice their performances during therapy sessions.

This was a great way for the people we support to express themselves, show off their skills and have some fun! They weren’t alone in exhibiting their hidden talents.  John Cabot House’s superstar support team got involved. Putting on their own performances, Rachel and Grace reserved their red buzzers for the team’s performances. Not only did this enrich the confidence of the people we support, it gave everyone a spark of laughter!  Our housemates couldn’t contain their giggles when they saw their support team getting buzzed off stage!

The talent show was an enormous success, and featured a broad spectrum of acts, ranging from singing, dancing and cello playing, to rapping and comedy sketches.

One person we support, Ashley, was feeling particularly nervous on the morning of the talent show. Unsure whether he could go through with it, his support team encouraged him to perform but also gave him the option to sit it out. Assured he wasn’t being forced to perform, he instantly felt empowered! After plucking up his courage, he went ahead and gave the performance of a lifetime, and even got the judges’ golden buzzer!

After this, Ashley’s confidence skyrocketed for the rest of the day. He achieved something he never thought would be possible and overcame his fears and anxieties. With his mental health refreshed and self-esteem replenished, he beamed with pride as everybody clapped and cheered for him.

After the talent show, John Cabot House was in full flow and spirits were high. All the people we support came together and praised each other on their performances. To keep the good vibes flowing, they headed into the garden with their support team and had a barbecue, chatting away into the night and reflecting on an amazing day.

John Cabot House Fest ‘24

Following on the fun from their talent show, John Cabot House held their very own music festival. On the 20th of July, ‘JCH Fest’ set off in full swing.

The team at John Cabot House wanted to ensure the people we support get to experience as many things as possible. Whilst going to a festival may be unattainable for some, the team understood that these things were once possible for them. So, they decided to throw their very own accessible festival in the comfort of their own home. 

Drawing inspiration from the famous Glastonbury festival, they celebrated in true Somerset style. John Cabot House was transformed into a buzzing hub of games, gazebos and music, with a live DJ set in the garden.

Understanding the importance of promoting positive life experiences for the people we support, the team set out to reassure them that, although their life has changed, they can still have fun and do all the things they love!

Image of John Cabot House festival ticket alongside a quote from Therapy Lead, Rachel Hunt, saying "I think these things are important to do as they make the people we support feel included in the community, doing things they would’ve done before their brain injury."

The team worked with the people we support to plan games and decorate the house. Deputy Manager Grace designed and sent out a PDF invitation to everyone’s families, nearby services, and people we’ve previously supported.

A true home away from home, John Cabot House take their position as an extended family seriously. Keeping in close contact with everyone who transitions back to the community, they enjoy reuniting with them at events like this. 

A previous person we support, who has completed their rehab journey, even made the trip from their home in Cornwall. They had so much fun, they even stayed the night!

When it came to planning the event, the team kept accessibility in mind, catering to the people we support and the needs of their other festival-goers.

Even though the home is already adapted to mobility needs, they had guests from our other nearby services attending.

They ensured the food was suitable for people with dysphagia and paid close attention to everyone’s dietary requirements – empowering everyone’s unique choices and self-expression.

Picture of 2 ladies smiling holding the JCH photo frame.
Image of 2 men smiling holding the JCH fest photo frame.

The people we support got stuck into the planning process! Keith, pictured above, picked out all the games with Service Manager Hannah, and Pauline helped Therapy Lead, Rachel, to create the iconic photo frame!

When it came to music, John Cabot House had their very own live DJ! David Shaw, their expert Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, took centre stage and hit the decks!

It was a great opportunity for the people we support to bond with their therapist outside of a therapy session, and see him being his most authentic self! Everyone was relaxed and happy, and felt free to have fun together!

The day was a great success, with the people we support, families and friends joining together to enjoy new experiences and make lasting memories.

For people with brain injuries, it can be difficult to adjust to life after their injury. They may struggle to accept they can’t do everything they used to,  which can often make them feel excluded from the wider community.

Bringing events like this into their homes promotes inclusivity and can bring back fond memories. It can also reassure them that there is life after brain injury and, with the right support, they can find enjoyment in previous passions and establish new interests.

What’s next at John Cabot House?

With the success of their talent show and JCH Fest, Grace and Rachel are planning to do more events like this in the future! The team said they loved bringing a sense of normality into the home and would love to see other services jumping on the bandwagon and providing the people we support with new experiences, inspiring them to seek out adventures, and live the most fulfilling lives possible.

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