Striving for goals in 2021
2020 was a difficult year for all of us. The impacts of COVID-19 had a huge effect on all our lives in different ways. It was a year of uncertainty and a time where we all had to find a “new normal”. Staff went above and beyond to help the people we support understand and adapt to our new reality. One of our many incredible examples of this is our team at Agricola House. This is one of our 16 Headway accredited brain injury services.
Agricola house provides support to adults with brain injuries. This service has a person-centred approach in their care and support. Supporting people to help them regain their independence and confidence in a way that best suits them. The people we support tell us what they want to achieve, the support team create a support plan. The support plan will include information on other resources or additional support needed such as nurses. Our team remained positive and were determined to step up to the new challenges they faced due to COVID-19.
Reflecting on 2020
Staff at Agricola wanted a way of showing the people we support just how much they have achieved over the past year. Despite everything that was going on around them, they focused on the positives and created an achievements wall!
We asked the people we support to write down some of the incredible goals they had achieved throughout 2020. The 2020 achievements wall is displayed with pride right at the heart of this service and can be seen as soon as you walk into the building. It is viewed and admired daily by the people we support, our staff and even visitors like district nurses and physio teams. It’s a reminder of how strong the people we support, and our staff teams are!
One of the many amazing achievements up on the wall was from Phil, a service user at Agricola House. Phil’s achievement for 2020 was “Walking with a frame.”

Phil joined us at Agricola House in April 2020 after acquiring a brain injury. At the time of joining us, he had very limited mobility. However, Phil’s positive attitude, hard work and determination, has led him to achieve so much in such short time. With the support of our team, Phil went from being hoisted, to stand aided, to walking with a Zimmer frame in under a year!
Phil said, “I feel more confident now that I have improved walking with a frame instead of stand aided.” Service Manager at Agricola House, added “Reaching this milestone is such a huge achievement for Phil, you can see just how over the moon he is for achieving this goal!”

Striving for goals in 2021
The new year is here! Which means it’s time to start smashing some new goals! As well as taking the time to reflect on all the positives of 2020, staff at Agricola House encouraged the people we support to write down all the great things they hope to achieve in 2021. These fantastic goals have been placed on the achievements wall. The aim is to inspire the people we support to stay motivated and keep working towards achieving new goals.
Spreading positivity
Agricola house love to spread love and positivity all year round, especially during these challenging times. They also have a positivity board to try and keep staff and the people we support motivated! Their positivity board is displayed in the kitchen for everyone to see and includes uplifting quotes from the people we support. You can find out more about the positivity board here.
Are you interested in learning more about our brain injury specialism? Please fill in this quick and easy form and a member of our friendly team will be in touch.
Agricola house are looking for housemates!
Agricola House, Taunton, currently has three vacancies. The service is extremely warm and welcoming and has been designed to the highest standard. There are excellent facilities that will help support individuals who are looking to increase their independence in a supportive community setting. You can find out more about Agricola House here!