Spring art at West Road
As part of Learning Disability week 2021, we reached out to our services to find out how they have used art and creativity to keep busy in recent months. Earlier this year, many of the people we support got involved in our initiative, The Big March Make, a month dedicated to being creative and having fun. We sent out a toolkit to services with activity ideas, which included creating spring art. We asked the people we support to tell us why they love spring and residents at our residential care home in Hampshire, West Road, did exactly that.
The people we support at West Road love getting creative. Terry, John and Ian each painted a canvas using some of their favourite materials like acrylic paint, stickers and flowers and told us a little bit about what they love most about spring.
John, pictured left, moved into West Road in 2017. John requires support with aspects of daily living. He is non-verbal and but communicates using Makaton. He loves flowers and the service told us that this inspired this colourful piece of art! John enjoys going for walks and seeing all the flowers blooming – that’s when he knows spring has arrived!
“I love all flowers, but my favourites are tulips and daisies. They are so colourful!” – John
Ian, pictured right, joined West Road in 2021. He enjoys painting, but is also a fan of the great outdoors, looking at the blue skies and watching the flowers bloom. Butterflies, blue skies and flowers all remind Ian of spring!
“I enjoy going on walks, listening to the birds sing, and watching the butterflies fly all around me.” – Ian
Ian certainly has a talent for painting. He created this masterpiece with support from staff which is now proudly on display in his bedroom.

Terry, pictured left, has been a resident at West Road since 2010. He loves flowers and wanted to include them in his painting. So, he nipped outside and picked some daisies from the garden! Residents at West Road love being out in the garden and have even started growing their own tomatoes, chillies and other veg this year!
“I enjoy spending time outside in the garden helping to plant flowers. I love watching them grow and taking care of them.” – Terry
The people we support at West Road love to get involved in a range of activities. Whether it’s helping to get the home decorated for a party, visiting new places or taking part in a crafty challenge. They even get creative with their food and recently made this pizza using different coloured veg to create the colours of the pride flag!

Want to learn more about West Road?
West Road is a residential care home in Southampton, supporting up to four adults with a learning disability and additional needs. This homely service offers a lovely environment where each person is supported to develop skills at their own pace. The home currently has a vacancy which would be perfect for a mature male who enjoys being sociable and active. Visit the West Road service page to learn more and make an enquiry.