Sadler’s Place are Outstanding!
Sadler’s Place in Walsall is one of our most recent Outstanding services, joining 12 others at Voyage Care. We caught up with the team at their party, celebrating their amazing achievement with the people they support, family and friends!
It’s been a long journey for the team to get where they are today, and Service Manager Sandra was beaming with pride as she shared how the team found out about their CQC Outstanding rating “I got a phone call from our Quality and Compliance Manager, saying ‘I’m just phoning to wish you congratulations’ And I went, “Oh, thank you. What for?” I hadn’t seen my emails that morning yet! She said “You’ve got Outstanding in your CQC!”
It was marvellous. Something that we’d worked for, for a long, long time. I shared the news with everyone, they were all over the moon. It was a lovely day, knowing that we’ve finally got that Outstanding.”

It was clear to see that family of the people we support really appreciate the work that the team at Sadler’s Place do. Mary and Brian are parents of Sarah who has lived at Sadler’s Place for 12 years, they were so proud of the team and couldn’t be happier that Sarah loves her life there. “We often ask Sarah if she would like to move back home with us, but she is adamant to stay “Sadler’s is my home!” she says.
Since she has lived there, her character has developed so much – she has gained so much independence which makes us very happy. It is always nerve racking when your child leaves home, passing over the responsibility to someone else is hard, but knowing she is happy makes it all worthwhile.” When we asked Sarah what she loved about her home she said “I love living here. My favourite part is my Cliff Richard room. I love my home!”

Abi, who lives at Sadler’s Place and is also one of our Quality Checkers, was tucking in to some of the tasty buffet food at the party with her parents, Cynth and David. They were all laughing and smiling as the music filled the room. We asked them how they felt about Sadler’s Place and their achievement. “Abi has lived at Sadler’s for 10 years now, and even back then we knew it was the right place for her. When we first visited all those years ago we heard laughter between the staff and the people they supported, saw them getting their nails painted and it was so homely.
I feel totally safe and secure with Abi living there, I know she is completely happy, 100%! The team there have become like family to us, we are really thrilled to bits for them”
Abi wanted to thank the team too “My favourite thing about Sadlers are the staff and the people who live there. The staff have hearts of gold and I don’t know what I’d do without them. I am a Quality Checker for Voyage Care which I enjoy thoroughly, I love it. I was over the moon when I found out about the Outstanding, and I’ve had a lovely time today celebrating.”

Congratulations once again to the team, a truly fantastic achievement to shout about! I’m sure this won’t be the last we hear from Sadler’s Place, watch this space!