More than just a helping hand
Like many of our services, the ladies at Longmore Road have been adjusting to a new way of life. They told us how supporting other people has been helping resident, Mandy…
Residents at Longmore Road, including Mandy, often visited day centres and the park but now they are no longer able to. She has been finding the change in routine difficult but going out in her car helps manage any anxieties. Unable to enjoy her usual outings, staff looked to find another purpose for Mandy’s usual drives out in her car.
Helping out the foodbank

The seven ladies who live at the service and their staff had collected tinned goods and other items after they heard the food bank was running short of supplies – and Mandy was thrilled to be part of the delivery team.
Linda Neilson, manager at Longmore Road, said: “We decided to deliver the bags of food as part of one of Mandy’s drives out in her car. Mandy loved going to the food bank and the manager was really grateful.
“It made Mandy happy, which helps with her anxieties and behaviours.”
Hampers for the staff
The ladies at Longmore Road have also helped to make up hampers of goodies for the staff at their local hospital.
“All the ladies like to be part of the community and do things to help,” said Linda.
“One of our support staff has a sister who works on the end of life ward and as you can imagine they are having a tough time.
“We made up one hamper with lots of different sorts of tea, coffee, squash, biscuits and cakes and another one with shower gels and other toiletries for the staff who stay overnight.”
Helpful donations
When Linda told a friend that the ladies at Longmore Road had run out of hand cream to use after their regular handwashing, the friend organised a collection within her own network and dropped off a bag full of creams for the ladies and their staff to share.
Sing, Sing, Sing!
When they are not finding ways to help their community, the ladies at Longmore Road are singing their way through the crisis.
Linda has bought Bluetooth microphones and the service is buzzing with continual karaoke sessions – with performances from the residents and the staff.
The service also usually have regular visits from a local singer. Instead, she is recording all their favourite songs and uploading them to YouTube so they can keep on singing.
“We are a very lively service all the time,” said Linda.
“It’s great to hear all the singing going on and the most important thing is that everyone has some fun and keeps on laughing.”