And then there were 14…

Kent and Medway DCA have become our 14th service to achieve and overall Outstanding rating in their latest CQC inspection. The team have worked incredibly hard to get here, and they are overjoyed with the result!
Branch Manager, Lucie Jenkins described how the team found out the news
“It was crazy, I was in the middle of moving in a new person we support. Our Operations Manager shared the news after an exciting phone call from our Managing Director!”
The DCA is described as homely, welcoming and joyfully chaotic – they are always busy planning new group activities/events and holding monthly meetings for the people they support. “we wouldn’t have it any other way!” said Lucie.
When we discussed how the team achieved Outstanding, Lucie beamed with pride “Managing expectations is really important, being honest and having a plan of what you would like to present. I had already made a folder of evidence; this included case studies of our success stories with support guidelines, communication plans, progress timelines for people who have been discharged to us from hospital or moved from residential services.
The timelines broke down traumatic events and what we did to support them, then moving onto them being in their own flat and the amazing work the people we support and staff have done to promote and maintain their independence. One of the people we support also met with the inspector and had a chance to show them her photo album where she had documented her own progress!
We have started an office helper scheme in the DCA and different people we support come to the office to help each week. They got to speak with the inspector about how important this was for them and loved showing off their ID badge.”