Restoring David’s wellbeing and mental health
This week we spoke to David, a person we support at Cote House, our residential nursing care home in Wiltshire. When David recently moved to Cote House, the team worked with David and improved his mental and physical health in just six weeks!
Meet David
David is a 56-year-old friendly individual with a learning disability, diabetes and leg wounds. After spending 11 years in another Swindon care home, David joined Cote House earlier this year.
At his previous care home, David had stopped interacting with the staff and residents and he was struggling with his mental health. In addition, he would shut himself in his bedroom with the curtains drawn every day. When David moved to Voyage Care, we knew it was vital that he has a consistent staff team that would provide person-centered support that he needed to get back on the road to good wellbeing.
Setting goals
First, we sat down to chat to David about how he preferred to communicate and be communicated with. We learnt that he really disliked being told that he ‘must’ do something, or something that he is doing is ‘wrong’. We agreed that we would work as a team to do activities around the house to increase his independent living skills.
Together, we then discussed what goals David would like to achieve and set out an action plan to work towards these. He explained that he wanted to lose weight but needed support to do so. To help, we encouraged David to look at his diet, how he orders his food and his shopping. This includes eating earlier in the day and doing a weekly shop.
Getting back on track
Cote House offers 24-hour nursing care, which meant David could have the right amount of nursing support when he wanted it, rather than at a fixed time. Previously, David had declined personal care, which led to his leg wounds getting worse. But, at Cote House, the clinical team put David at the centre of his care plan. As a result, David’s leg wounds began to heal, which made David feel better in himself.
Onwards and upwards
After just six weeks with a person-centred support plan, David has achieved so much. Each morning, he opens his bedroom curtains and looks forward to the day. According to the team at Cote House, he loves to be out and about, chatting with residents and staff. Before, David struggled to express his feelings to his team but now he is keen to share his thoughts, talk through any issues and feelings.
He also enjoys weighing himself weekly – it’s a celebration where he’s lost weight and reflection if he doesn’t! He’s gets himself a treat for the day after he’s been weighed so it’s always a positive experience.
Learn more about Cote House
Based in Wiltshire, Cote House provides nursing care and support to adults with learning disabilities and complex care needs at Cote House. Currently we have a first-floor vacancy at Cote House. To find out more visit our Cote House service page.