Emma‘s health improves with specialist support from BROCS!
Emma is an autistic person we’ve supported at our specialist adult day service, BROCS, since 2006. Located in Wakefield, BROCS is a National Autistic Society (NAS) accredited service and currently holds ‘Advanced Status’.
Emma had many challenges to overcome before joining BROCS, including anxiety and challenging behaviour, which was controlled by medication. For Emma, this meant she struggled to regulate her emotions, making it hard to build relationships with her team. This resulted in her feeling isolated. But thanks to specialist support from our team, her health and wellbeing has improved dramatically!
Helping Emma to achieve her goals
Emma’s support team provide her with tailored care for her individual needs, helping her overcome the challenges she used to encounter in daily life.
When she first joined us, Emma’s team contacted her mum to ensure they fully understood her home life and interests, to investigate what might have been causing Emma to feel so anxious. Her team also collaborated with a community nurse to help Emma manage her anxiety further.
Emma’s team noticed that when she was participating in activities she didn’t enjoy, she became anxious and presented certain behaviours. Learning this, helped us build a better activity plan for Emma, including activities she liked and avoiding ones she didn’t. Having this insight meant we could adapt our support, so it better reflected Emma’s likes and dislikes.
As part of this, we empowered Emma to choose her key support workers – two in the morning and two in the afternoon! We provided Emma with two options, so she didn’t feel too overstimulated with the choices.
As well as this, we allocated a member of Emma’s team to act as a link between her and her family. We ensured it was someone she’d developed a trusting relationship with and felt comfortable communicating with. Doing this meant we could share information about how Emma was feeling, what she was getting up to and how she preferred to be supported!
Taking further steps
We identified Emma needed a consistent routine, enabling her to participate in activities that were meaningful to her. With the specialist support from her team, we developed a timetable of favourite activities that remains the same each week. This has improved Emma’s behaviours. She is now able to enjoy the different session rooms at BROCS and can get out into the community to do things she loves!
Emma’s able to interact with the public positively and pay for her own items in shops. This is something her anxiety and challenging behaviours previously prevented her from doing, so this is a huge step for her!
Supporting Emma’s future
With the support of her specialist team at BROCS, Emma’s flourishing. Her new lease of life means she no longer needs medication to manage her anxiety. By building meaningful relationships at BROCS, she’s happier at home and interacts more with her family, allowing conversations to flow and helping them build memories together.
Emma’s team used every small success as motivation to move forward with her goals, give her opportunities and enjoy life! The support team at BROCS are incredibly proud of how far Emma has come on her journey and are dedicated to helping her to achieve her next goals – whatever they may be!
Learn more about our specialist autism support
To find out more about how we support people with autism to live fulfilling lives, visit our dedicated webpage! Ready to make an enquiry? Fill in our quick form and our friendly team will be in touch!